Sunday 12 May 2013

Sermon 12th May - Uniquely Made

Ephesians 4: 2-7; Acts 1: 6-11

I need to tell you all, that some of what I am going to say today I have borrowed...
I belong to a wonderful virtual ministry fellowship – it is virtual, because we all live all around the world, in Scotland, and Australia, and the USA and Japan, and Europe... but we all share together via the internet – on a blogsite and on Facebook. This week, one shared something she had written for a baptism, and it was so beautiful, so special, I asked her if I could borrow – and dear Ruthie said yes!

Today is a very special day
Today we welcome a little child into God’s family
And that is a precious and wonderful thing
Today is a day that little Aimee won’t really remember herself – though there will be reminders, and her parents will tell her, and I’m sure show her the photos of the party
Each baby is precious; whether it is your first or your third or fourth or fifth it is a special gift from God
And each of us – whatever generation we are from is as precious to God now, as we were when we too were tiny children brought to church by our parents and welcomed into God’s family through the water of Baptism.

Now, my message today is for Aimee, and for everyone listening to this and witnessing this special moment
Because today Aimee, I want to tell you that you are unique.
You are special.

Of all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of time, not ONE of them is like YOU!
No one’s hair grows exactly the way yours does.
No one’s finger prints are like yours.
And just like your fingerprints, your lips have little markings on them, little grooves in the skin … and everyone has a different pattern, so no one’s lips are like yours.
No one smells just like you.
And no one’s eyes are just like yours.
No one is loved by the same combination of people that love you – NO ONE!
No one before, no one to come.


And as you grow up I want you to enjoy that uniqueness.
You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else.
You weren’t meant to be like someone else.
You do not have to lie to conceal the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.
You were meant to be different.

And if you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap in history, something missing from the plan for humankind.
Treasure your uniqueness.
It is a gift given only to you.
Enjoy it and share it!

So many people these days feel like they are nothing more than a number on a computer card somewhere in a government file. Just one of the crowd.
But God says you are more than that.
You’re a special design.
You were made special.
Because that is the way God created you.

You are different.
You are not just a number.

You are not just one in the crowd
And because you’re different … YOU are important.

Maybe not important to the government but you are important to God.
Because He is the one who designed you.
He is the one who made you different.
He is the one who made you unique.
(Along with your mummy and daddy of course.)

Scientists have only just recently discovered how unique and special each one of us is — how special you are.
But God has always known it.

God knows all about you.
She knows what you need.
She knows what you feel and what you think.
She knows exactly what you have done.
And She loves you in a way that is only for you.

Because God made you special, She has a special interest in you.
Her love is for you and it is special.
Her plan for you and your life is unique too.
It’s special.
That’s something worth thinking about.

Today as we listened to God’s word being read we heard advice for living – be always humble and gentle and patient.
We heard about the church and God: there is one body, one Lord, one faith, one baptism there is one God and Father of all
And we heard about Jesus’ final departure as he ascended back to heaven to be reunited with God the Father, and his final words: the Holy Spirit will fill you with power and you will be witnesses to Jesus’ life & teaching

Those words, written down so many years ago are as valid and important today as they were back then
There is still one body, one faith and one baptism
The Holy Spirit is still here guiding and empowering us
And we are still Jesus’ witnesses in the world

Each of us is uniquely and wonderfully made
Each of us is precious to God; special, unique and blessed
God’s word contained in our scriptures is there to guide and lead us; it tells us all we need to know, and those words of advice stand true today: show your love to each other; be humble and gentle, preserve the unity of the church as best you can

As we welcome Aimee into God’s family, we remember our own promises, made on our behalf, or made for ourselves. That we will, by prayer and example and dependent upon God’s grace, follow Jesus, being his witnesses through all of our world

And to finish as the children come back, let’s share a few more...

Remember each bubble is unique too.
There are no two bubbles the same.
Each one is a different size or shape or colour.
Each is special.
Each is unique.

Just like you.

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